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Systemic anti-aging management

Main application group:

1, face slack, color spots, dull

2, the body skin is rough, pores are thick, break out

3, the whole body skin water shortage, easy to dry sensitive people

4, the body skin aging, no elasticity, body deformation

5, hair loss, easy fatigue, low immunity

Operating position:

Universal lymph

Principle of action:

Source Code self balancing cream,Rich in reed extract, rose polyphenol, grapefruit extract, vitamin E, pomegranate seed extract and so on,Through advanced GT carrier penetration technology,Quickly and effectively resolve lactic acid nodules,Accelerate blood circulation and fat metabolism,Activation of cell differentiation and regeneration,Balance hormone,Activate cell viability,Rejuvenate youthful skin,Retain youth,Retain beauty。

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